King of Wands Minor Arcana Tarot Card/Knowledge/Willpower
King of Wands Minor Arcana Tarot Card/Knowledge/Willpower
Barriated Jasper Pendant/Focus,Clarity/Organization
Also Included in This Box, Amethyst Chunk, a Natural Tranquilizer that also Enhances the Immune System, Improving Endoctrine Function, Reducing Headaches and Regulating Hormones. Quartz is a Master Healing Stone and Chakra Cleansing Miracle. Use Your Quartz Crystal Point To Work With Intentions and Magnify the Other Stones. Kyanite Balances ALL Chakras Instantly, Kyanite is also a Tool for Sleeping Disorders and Cuts Through Fears and Blockages. A Chinese Coin for Luck and Abundance. A GoldenKey to Keep Your Heart Open and Honest. Black Tourmaline for Protection and Soaking Up Negative Energies and Blocks EMF'S. Desert Rose to Bolster Your Resistance to Viral Infections.